It’s always fun to get to shoot a new venue and I’ve been lucky to have a few in 2023 that were completely new to me. But possibly the newest one I have shot yet is Geilsland Estate outside Beith – I think Emma and Bobby’s day there in August was only the second or third wedding Geilsland had hosted! So I was really looking forward to going along and getting to explore the place.

Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire

I got out there early in the day to get photos of Emma being made up in the Gatehouse – a nice, bright space with plenty of colour - before heading to the venue proper for photos of Bobby and his groomsmen getting their outfits straightened up and greeting guests. Before long, the guests were being ushered inside. I waited outside for Emma and her bridesmaids and flower-girls to arrive.

Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire

After getting some photos of Bobby and Emma’s children and their cousins, I dashed inside and managed to get a few photos of Bobby steeling himself before Emma walked down the aisle accompanied by wee Finn. The ceremony was led by Janette who did a great job of relaxing the couple and keeping the guests entertained.

Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire

Immediately after the ceremony I took the couple for a short walk around the grounds – giving them a short spell to enjoy *just being married* before being swept up by the whirlwind of the day. I then followed them to the onsite ‘chapel’ where guests were relaxing with a few drinks. As well as a nice opportunity for some candids, we also got some great ‘confetti’ photos. Then it was time to head back to the main building for Emma’s mum, Bobby’s best man and Bobby himself to deliver their speeches. While the couple and their guests enjoyed a meal served by my good friends at Velvet Cuisine I retired to the annex building for a goody-bag of my own and to look through photos from the morning.

Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire

Post-meal I spent some time taking photographs of the kids running about with glowsticks and having a battle with inflatable unicorns, and capturing images of the evening guests arriving. Then it was time for the first dance, with tunes being belted out superbly by Rogues Gallery.

After spending some time photographing the dancefloor I went outside – dark had fallen, so I set up a wee flash photo – I don’t always do this but I was interested to see how the red building at Geilsland would work for a silhouette photo. Pretty cool I think!

Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire
Wedding Photographer Ayrshire

Thanks to the team at Geilsland and to all the other suppliers on the day. If I’ve missed anyone drop me an email to And if you are still looking for your wedding photographer perhaps I can help. Drop me a note and we’ll grab a coffee and chat about your wedding day plans!

Here are some of the other suppliers on the day:
Makeup – Stacey Jennifer Make-up
Hair – Hair and Makeup by Claire
Celebrant – Janette Devlin - Celebrant
Bar – Fizzbuz Valentino